


Training competition instructions


Open competition training sprint + chase start, and open ski-O training


Event centre and parking:

Parking area in the beginning of Luusunseläntie, Muonio.

Map of the start, finish, the last control and warm-up zone for both races:


Classes, distances and start times:

Competition training classes are Women and Men


Proloque in the morning, first start at 10:15. Start interval 1min.

Women and Men 2,6km/3,3km/10 controls

The start list of proloque can be found at Check your name is in the start list and emitag-number is correct! If not, please e-mail as soon as possible.


Chase start in the afternoon according sprint results, first start for men at 12:10. Athletes more than 8min behind after sprint has mass start at 12:18. First start for women at 12:20, athletes more than 8min behind after sprint has mass start at 12:28.

Chase start Women and Men 5,0km/6,8km/11 controls

The start list of the chase start will appear at the same web address, hopefully no later than 11:50.


Ski-O training for recreational/motion ski-orienteers, starts between 11:15-12:00. Courses A 3,8km/4,7km/12 controls and B 2,0km/2,7km/9 controls.

Entry for motion ski-O possible also in the finish area, without timekeeping. Entry fee at the race day 22,5€ by cash or MobilePay.

Punching system:

Emitag. In case of emitag-rent, keep the same rental emitag as used in Ensilumen Rastit 2.-3.12., or pick your rental emitag from the finish car early before the race.

Times will be taken with emitag – emitag will be cleared/started at the start moment and there will be fininsh punching. Emit read-out will be in the red Opel right after the finish punching. If the antique system works, the results (from both stages separately) will appear online to the web address told in If doesn´t, the results are complied together from the MTR-prints and will be written in the same address.

Livelox will be online after the races.

The first man and first woman in the finish with correct control punches will get small price.


Ski-orienteering map, in the sprint 1:5 000/5m and in the chase start 1:7 500/5m.

Weather reservation and possible changes:

Possible changes/cancellations due temperature below -20 will be informed in as early as possible. Temperature limit is -20C one hour before the first start.

Snow- and track condition:

There are 50-70cm soft snow in the terrain. Tracks have been groomed twice with the snow shoes in the beginning and 3 times with snowmobile (2 weeks ago and Monday + Tuesday before the training). That is about 50% compared to Ensilumen Rastit -tracks, therefore they may be partly soft.

There may be extra scooter tracks, competition tracks are groomed pulling 70cm radius tyre.

Event idea and warnings:

Idea is in the first hand to offer very hilly ski-O training for ski-Oers aiming for international championships in Austria. Trac system and course planning is somewhat that type what was served in Tour de Ski-O back in 90´s, or perhaps it was 2008. Therefore it may be sometimes type 2 fun. We hope you be a little bit extra careful at the downhills – even if it is important to practice being at the limit, it´s even more important to stay injury free. Snow around the track is slow to fall down, but much safer option than to hit a tree or another skier!

There is also open snowmobile track going trough the terrain, and skiers are using it. We warn the drivers about ski-orienteers, but please pay extra attention of the safety there, sepcially if you hear snowmobile moaning!


Tmi Omataivainen